Modern and traditional family-friendly home

Miami - Florida
On request
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Hosted by Patricia

Hosted by Patricia

Kindred is made up of real people with real homes.

Kindred is made up of real people with real homes.

Two ways to travel

  • Travel with credits

    Spend credits to book member homes when they’re vacant. Earn back those credits later by hosting.

    1 Night = 1 Credit
  • Swap one for one

    Swap homes at the same time. You won’t need credits, and you’ll save on fees for longer trips.

    0 Credits required
Start with 5 credits when you’re accepted.
Claim your credits

I would like to...

for... 7 Nights


  • 100-250 Mbps internet
  • Parking - Free street
  • Backyard
  • Pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Washer - In unit
  • Dryer - In unit
  • Hot tub

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Start with 5 credits when you join

Apply to Kindred with your home. Once accepted, you can travel up to 5 nights before you host.

Claim your 5 free credits

Radically affordable

  • No cash exchanged between members
  • No membership fees
  • Just pay for cleaning and service fee per trip

Trip to London for 7 days

  • Cleaning fee$200
  • Service fee$210
  • Credits7 Credits
7 Credits + $410
I saved so much on my trip to Miami that I treated myself and my sister to a much needed spa day while we were there.
- Amy, 25+ nights on Kindred

Questions? We’re here to help

Can I use Kindred if I am a renter, not a homeowner?

Absolutely! Because there is no cash exchange between members, using Kindred is not the same as listing your home on a short-term rental website. It’s more similar to letting a friend stay in your home while you’re away. If in doubt, we recommend checking your rental contract or asking your landlord.

Is there a membership commitment?

There are no minimum hosting requirements or membership fees. Whether, when, and with whom you swap with is entirely up to you! All new members can book up to 5 nights when they join, so you can apply and and try the platform first before making a decision.

Can I buy credits?

No, you can’t buy credits on Kindred. Kindred is strictly “give-to-get”. This makes sure everyone on the platform is contributing equally and keeps our sharing economy running. You can earn credits by hosting and or by referring other members.

Is hosting the only way to earn credits?

There are two main ways to earn credits on Kindred: hosting and referring. For every night you host, you earn one credit. For every friend you refer who is accepted, you earn two credits. If you’re light on credits, you can also arrange a 1:1 swap with the member at the same time, so that neither of you need to use any credits (they cancel out!).

How does pricing work? Is it free to host?

When you book a trip, you only pay a cleaning and service fee per trip. The cleaning fee covers the cost of cleaning your host’s home before and after your trip, while the service fee covers trip support, travel protection, and arranging all the the logistics that go into making a Kindred trip possible. Hosting on Kindred is completely free and seamless. We’ll coordinate all cleanings and handle all end-to-end logistics of the trip.

More FAQs